Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Brief History of Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy may be one of the oldest and simplest forms of medical care. It has been practiced in Eastern cultures continuely since ancient times. The Ancient Egyptians painted scenes of people being massaged in their tombs and the Chinese have books dating back to 2,700 BC that recommend breathing exercises and massage as treatments for chills and fevers. Julius Caesar was said to have daily massages to help treat neuralgia(a painful nerve disorder). In the fifth century BC, the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates wrote that rubbing could tighten a joint that was too loose and loosen a joint that was too tight.

Thoughout the ages massage has been used to help relax, heal and to maintain a person's general well being. Today many people are turning to this ancient form of health care to help treat stress, pain and a variety of ailments as a compliment to their regular health care practioner. Massgae can be used for the very basic of complaints - stress, relaxation - to being used after moter vehicale accidents, surgery and sport injuries.

There are a variety of types of massage:
Relaxation Massage:
A smooth, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, improves circulation and range of movement, and relieves muscular tension.

Remedial Massage:
A paramedical treatment that helps to restore function to injured "soft tissues" (muscles, tendons and ligaments). Therapy may involve the use of various types of Massage, as well as a range of other physical treatments to assist your recovery. In addition, you may be asked to perform some activities at home to assist the process of recovery.

Sports Massage:
Combines different Massage techniques to enhance sports performance and recuperation. An effective component of any training program.
Aromatherapy Massage:
Combining the therapeutic properties of essential oils with specific Massage techniques to promote health and well-being.

Using thumb and finger pressure on the reflex points of the feet (which correspond to all areas of the body) to assist in achieving balance within the body.

Oriental Massage Therapies:
Oriental-based systems of finger pressure Massage, such as acupressure and Shiatsu , that treat points along the acupressure medridians, aiming to release discomfort and rebalance energy.

It is recommended to research and discuss any alternative therapy with your primary health care practicioner. Also please note, in British Columbia and Ontario Canada - for any therapy related massage a practicioner must be a member of the province's College of Massage Therapist - this proves that the person has attended a registered school and has completed a minimum of 2200 hours of course and practical work and has also completed succesfully the province administered exams.

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